
Wednesday Jan 17, 2024
Wednesday Jan 17, 2024
Rev. Arif's sermon from Remembrance Sunday, Jan. 14, 2024
As winter’s stillness permeates our lives, we gather this Sunday for our annual Service of Remembrance, a sacred ceremony to honor those who have transitioned from our physical realm. Coupled with this, we also pay homage to the indomitable spirit of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., inviting you to embrace the complex and demanding truth of his message beyond his popular portrayal. Through the ritual of candlelight, naming, and remembering, we keep the glow of their values and dreams alive, mirroring the humanist manifestation of eternal life.
In making space for these memories, we are reminded of our shared responsibility in creating and embodying legacy. As we honor Dr. King and our loved ones, we not only acknowledge their impact but also ignite the path for those to come. This act of remembering and making space, allows us to honor the fullness of each other’s stories. Let’s come together this Sunday, to remember, honor, and recommit to this transformative work of making space.

Tuesday Jan 09, 2024
Tuesday Jan 09, 2024
Rev. Jen's sermon from Jan. 7, 2024- Making Space Starts When You Show Up
In a world relentlessly demanding, it’s easy to feel like we’re never enough, that what we have to give may not make a dent. But when we peel back these layers of fear, we uncover a transformative truth: The act of showing up—of choosing to be present—is a radical catalyst for change. This is more than physical presence; it’s an emotional, spiritual commitment to bear witness, to engage, and to represent. It’s about standing in the face of the grind, against the status quo, and declaring, “I am here.” This conscious choice to show up breathes life into relationships, sustains religions, and builds compassionate communities. It’s the first, crucial step towards creating inclusive spaces. Remember, even when it feels like you have nothing left to give, your presence, your decision to show up, can shake the world.

Tuesday Jan 02, 2024

Tuesday Dec 19, 2023
Tuesday Dec 19, 2023
Rev. Arif's homily from Dec. 17, 2023- Listening Deeply: Inside Voices

Tuesday Dec 12, 2023
Tuesday Dec 12, 2023
Rev. Jen's sermon from Dec. 10, 2023- Still in Motion: The Space Between Who We Are and Who We Want to Be
As we move through the sacred season, marked by the enduring light of Hannukah and the burgeoning anticipation of Advent, we’re invited into a unique space where the realms of time and eternity intersect. Here, every moment becomes an encounter with infinite potential. Amid the whirlwind of holiday activities, the understated power of rest emerges as a counterintuitive path to liberation, offering us a sanctuary within time itself. Taking a step back, we find ourselves attuned to the subtle, beautiful harmonies of our communal existence, appreciating the transitions and transformations that shape our collective journey. In the dance between who we are and who we aim to be, we see success as a delicate balance between progress and patience. Each Sunday becomes a vibrant heartbeat in our relentless pursuit of growth and spiritual elevation, and as the nights lengthen, our collective resolve only strengthens. We invite you to join us on this journey – to pause, reflect, and celebrate the sacred story we’re composing together.

Tuesday Dec 05, 2023
Tuesday Dec 05, 2023
Amid the chill and hush that precedes the snow, Advent whispers to us of endings and beginnings, each story a thread in a great tapestry that covers all eras and lands. The tales of apocalyptic visions—sun darkened, moon obscured, stars cascading from the sky—are less portents of doom, more symbols ripe with potential, waiting for us to unearth ‘treasures of darkness’ held in times of seeming desolation.
In this time when the world can feel like it’s ending every time we read the news, and the days grow shorter and shorter, what is our sacred task? We are called to listen deeply to the darkness. What holiness is thickening in these darker days? What tenderness is growing inside our hollows, individually and collectively, awaiting birth this season? Let us listen and learn together.
This Advent, let us gather with intention, embracing these ancient narratives not as tales of dread but as prompts for introspection and growth. Together, in our sacred space, we shall seek out the divine amidst the shadows and find within ourselves the ember of transformative hope. Through our listening and reflection, may we uncover that within the darkness, there is not an ending, but the hushed promise of new beginnings.

Wednesday Nov 29, 2023

Wednesday Nov 22, 2023
Wednesday Nov 22, 2023
This Sunday's 'Staying at the Table: Starts with Grace' celebrates the joy of embracing new members, showcasing the grace that defines our community spirit across our whole lives long. As Thanksgiving approaches, bringing its complex weave of anticipation and anxiety around encounters with all kinds, we invite you to a service that rekindles the essence of connection through the simple, yet profound act of sharing grace.

Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
As a kid and now as a parent, the word “scooch” carries at least two meanings. It can mean scooch, as in move along and get out of here, and it can also mean scooch, as in scooch over and make room for whoever might be joining us. This Sunday, we explore the spiritual practice of scooching over to make room as one way of embodying our Unitarian Universalist belief in the worth and dignity of every person.

Monday Nov 06, 2023
Monday Nov 06, 2023
Rev. Jen's sermon from the Nov. 5 worship service.
"The world begins at a kitchen table. No matter what, we must eat to live."
- Joy Harjo
Our spiritual gathering - much like a meal at a table, nourishes us, but also requires our participatin. How does this 'meal' feed us and what does it ask of us in return? There might be instances that provoke us to consider leaving this 'table'. Yet, when should such a step become the necessary course?
Addressing our relevance in the contemporary world, why do we choose to belong to the church today? And how do we ready ourselves and our community for the church love calls us now to become? What do we do with our own resistance?
Our journey is about growing faith into real resilience, cultivating the skills we need to navigate challenging exchanges and open ourselves to evolving perspectives.
In worship this Sunday, we connect with our spiritual community to mutually nourish and learn from one another, to remember why we’re here, to gather the tools we need for a future arriving already and always. We warmly invite you to join us in this journey of self-discovery and collective growth. In staying at the table, we're choosing to make a difference, together.